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School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences(SNAHS)

Skilling Healthcare Workforce in India

India needs to invest in HRH for increasing the number of active health workers and improve the skill-mix which requires investment in professional colleges and technical education. India also needs encouraging qualified health professionals to join the labor markets and additional trainings and skill building for already working but inadequately qualified health workers.

Karan et al. Hum Resour Health (2021) 19:39 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-021-00575-2


Bridge Course for Fresh Nursing Diploma Holders / Graduates And Upskilling for Novice Nurses

  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3

  • Day 4

  • Day 5

  • Day 6

  • Day 7

  • Day 8

  • Day 9

  • Day 10

  • Nursing Practice in Hospital Set Up – Overview

    • Hospital Organization – Departments and Hierarchy, Administrative Procedures
    • Nursing & Allied Healthcare Professionals – Roles and Responsibilities
    • Nurse Station Function and Medical Records
  • Nursing Practice Procedures Revisited – I

    • Nursing Foundations
    • Surgical Nursing and Critical Care, Emergency Medicine
    • Child Health Nursing
    • Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
  • Nursing Practice and Hospital Administration

    • Infection Control
    • Escalation Matrix
    • Inventory Management
    • Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
  • Allied Sciences

    • Pharmacology and Drug Administration
    • Nutrition and Diet
  • Soft Skills - I

    • Compassion, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
    • Grooming and Etiquettes and Communication
    • Integrity and Ethics
    • Time Management
  • Soft Skills - II

    • Understanding Organization, Values and Systems
    • Interpersonal Relations
    • Teamwork
    • Work Management
  • Nursing Practice – Allied Skills

    • Patient and Attenders – Relationship Management
    • Counselling
  • Basic Computers / Job Specific Training for Novice Nurses

  • Spoken English / Job Specific Training for Novice Nurses

  • Mock Interview

Hospital Staff Training - Core Topics

For more details contact

  • S Sridhar
  • Head – Marketing and Business Development School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
  • +91 8008655992
  • sridhar@globalhealthcareacademy.in
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